
Why It’s Important to Trust

Why It’s Important to Trust

What is Trust?

Trust is belief. It is the idea that we can rely on someone. Trust is having confidence that those people we rely on will be there when we need them most, and that they will try their best to not disappoint us. It is also knowing that despite any disappointments that come our way, we can believe and rely on our ourselves to get through it. Our ability to trust fundamentally influences how we view ourselves, others, and the world around us.

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Posted by Christopher Jackson in general mental health therapy
Taking the Mystery & Fear Out of Therapy

Taking the Mystery & Fear Out of Therapy

What is Therapy?

There’s still a lot of stigma and confusion surrounding mental health care. If you are apprehensive about therapy, you are not alone. Men, particularly men of color and Black men, have traditionally been taught to be strong, or that showing your emotions makes you weak (read more on “Why Emotional Vulnerability is a Sign of Strength”). Or you may be thinking that therapy is about telling you there’s something wrong with you and you need to change. But it’s neither of those things. Therapy is just a conversation.

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Posted by Christopher Jackson in general mental health therapy
Why Don’t My Relationships Last?

Why Don’t My Relationships Last?

It’s so common for people to have a string of relationships that don’t last. There’s a disconnect between you and your partner, even in the beginning when fostering the relationship, it gets cut short because of that disconnect. What’s going on? Is it that you’re not compatible or are needs not being met?

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Posted by Jacqueline Jackson in relationships
Why Emotional Vulnerability is a Sign of Strength

Why Emotional Vulnerability is a Sign of Strength

What have you been taught about emotions?

For many, talking about feelings, or being emotional, can be as taboo as expressing our thoughts on religion or politics. Some would say it is best to not to talk about them because doing this could make people feel uncomfortable. Best not to put people off by talking about what is going on inside of us.

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Posted by Christopher Jackson in general mental health therapy